Chattanooga's Premiere Fence Contractors
Chattanooga Fences
Custom Fences
From dealing with overly friendly neighbors to fixing plumbing and electrical issues, being a first-time homeowner can be tough.
Owning a house can be overwhelming, so keeping up with maintenance can be challenging.
So fences are probably the least of your concern.
However, neglecting your fence can lead to negative consequences.
However, a low-quality or outdated fence can seriously damage your property, both aesthetically and safety-wise.
Our process starts with a free consultation with our support team where we evaluate your property and discuss what the project will look like.
During this consultation, we will also provide you with a quote for the project.
Our support team will maintain communication throughout the build.
This way, you’ll always be up-to-date with the progress of the build.
No more waiting on the contractor to call you back.
If your fence is saggy, unsafe, or simply unappealing, it’s time for a new one! To help you choose the best one for your home, here is a short guide that explains the most popular and practical fences out there:
Types Of Fences
Hog Wire Fence
If you are a dog owner who likes friendly chats with neighbors, unobstructed views, and unique design, then hog wire fences are the perfect option! Hog wire comprises welded metal rods with corrosion protection which means it’s extra safe and durable.
It started as a farm fence, but manufacturers started experimenting and created a new model which is visually appealing, safe, and easy to maintain. Recently, it became the most sought-out option for modern homeowners. At Chattanooga Co, we even install hog wire fences with string lights, and what can we say – everybody loves them!
Privacy Fence
For those who like to have a more private life, we recommend the privacy fence. Made of wood, this type of fence encloses your outside areas and prevents people from watching what goes on in your house. Since it blocks all views, it significantly reduces the risk of robberies and unwanted visitors. For these reasons, it can sometimes lower your insurance rate and increase resale value.
Just like hog wire, a privacy fence is great for keeping pets safe and sound. Depending on placing the wood posts, it can be horizontal or vertical. People mostly install it if they have a pool or use their backyard for exercise, meditation, and entertainment.
Black Aluminum
A black aluminum fence is a classic option. It is low maintenance, long-lasting, and strong. It doesn’t provide maximum privacy, but like hog wire, it allows you to enjoy views outside your property. The biggest issues with black aluminum are that it can look unappealing and that it’s less safe than welded fences.
Worst case scenario is a robber finds the juncture points and unscrews enough of them to enter inside. To eliminate this risk, you can ask your chosen fencers to put the screws inward and make them harder to unscrew from the outside.
If you like the idea of a privacy fence, but don’t enjoy caring for a vulnerable material like wood, you can always choose a composite fence. It can look exactly like wood, but it is much easier to maintain and is more durable. Plus, it can last more than 30 years, as opposed to wood which can last from 7 to 30 years (depending on climate and quality). Since it’s a mix of plastic and wood, composite fencing is usually recyclable or made of recycled materials. Its biggest advantage though is that it comes in a variety of colors and styles, and you can choose a design that perfectly matches the rest of your exterior.
There are many types of fences on the market, each with its pros and cons. Before you decide which one is the best for your property, make sure to set clear goals. Start by asking yourself these questions to arrive at your answer:
- Why do I want a fence? Is it to increase privacy or visual appeal?
- What kind of style do I prefer? Do I want a more traditional design or a cutting-edge modern one?
- Which is the best fence for my pet?
- Do I have time to care for a vulnerable material like wood?
- Do I live in an area with a high robbery rate?
If you have any further questions or if you are looking for experienced fence installers, feel free to contact us! We are happy to help you upgrade your property and give it the fence it deserves!
Not sure what type of fence is best for you? If you cant find your answer below, please reach out to
Advantages of Hog Wire Over Chain-Link Fences for Dog Owners
Any dog owner wants their furry friend to get all the exercise they need while keeping them safe outside. Luckily, you can achieve both of
How Hog-wire Fence Can Make a Landscape, a Dreamscape
Do you want to give your backyard a special treat? Do you want to transform your landscape into a dreamscape? We recommend a hog-wire fence.
7 Unique Fence Ideas
Good fences make good neighbors, so can you imagine what amazing fences make? Instead of installing a typical fence like picketed or arched, why not
Why Choose Us
We bring a level of attention, trust, and care that can’t be beat in Chattanooga.
Project management system dedicated to efficiency and quality.
From first contact to the final screw, we provide a high level of detail throughout the entire process.
Aside from detail, we are sure to never create a mess or leave anything behind.
Built and designed by career professionals with a lifetime of experience.